Read his piece below...
The Greek tragic dramatis and philosopher Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC) said "in war, truth is the first casualty". It
is in this context that one has to view the absurd claims by the DSS
that massive sums of cash ranging from 2 million USD to hundreds of
thousands of euros and pounds sterling were found in the homes of all
the judges that were arrested in the early hours of
saturday morning.
anyone honestly believes that such large sums of cash were found in the
homes of ANY of those judges then that person needs to have his head
DSS has to say these outrageous things and tell these shameful lies in
order to attempt to justify their illegal actions before the world. It
is called disinformation and misinformation and that is their stock in
is what intelligence and securiry agencies all over the world are paid
to do. They destroy their victims before the world with lies and
baseless allegations knowing that most Nigerians will believe anything
and everything that the government says.
is sickening and pathetic. In any case nothing can possibly justify the
gestapo tactics that the state has employed in this matter.
storming of peoples homes in the middle of the night and the
brutalisation and traumatisation of their families, loved ones and
households is archaic and barbaric.
Nigeria is saddled with a President that is a cross between Adolf
Hitler, Benito Mussolini, King Leopold 11 of Belgium, Josef Stalin, Pol
Pot, Papa Doc Duvalier, Augusto Pinochet, Jean-Bedel Bokassa, Mobutu
Sese Seko, Genghis Khan, Atilla the Hun, Count Vlad Dracula and Idi Amin
all rolled into one. May God help us.
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Title :
The Judges Abduction case seem like is not ending anytime soon as FFK come for DSS
Description : Read his piece below... The Greek tragic dramatis and philosopher Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC) said "in war, truth is the first casu...
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