Senate President Bukola Saraki has commiserated with victims of Saturday's fire disaster that ravaged the popular Abubakar Rimi market in Kano. Saraki, in a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity lamented the continuous occurrences of fire disasters in markets across the country and Kano in particular has reached a worrisome level that requires urgent measures to combat the trend
He urged the managements of markets to always employ all modern means of preventing and combating fire disasters to ensure traders are not subjected to this harrowing loss.The Senate President urged the state government to ensure thorough investigations to unravel the cause of the incident and forestall occurrence
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I Commiserates with Kano Traders Over Fire incident. says; Saraki
Description : Senate President Bukola Saraki has commiserated with victims of Saturday's fire disaster that ravaged the popular Abubakar Rimi market i...
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